Artists Answer: Why is abstract art important?
In this series, we're asking artists to answer the most-Googled questions about abstract art. Last week's question was, "why is abstract art so expensive?" and the answers can be found here. This week, we're answering, "why is abstract art important?"
"It allows the artist and the viewer the ability to see and be seen in what words can’t always describe. A feeling, excitement, an energy." - Ashley Joy, Painter, Brazil & USA
"Because it takes us away from reality, it enhances our moods based on what reacts with our emotions and desires. Abstract art helps me achieve mindfulness and viewing other people's art, invokes an emotional reaction that I enjoy." - Nicole Dickson, Abstract Artist, Australia
"Because society can be too used to ideals being handed to them, instead of needing to use the creative part of their mind to come up with answers themselves. Like how a painting makes them feel, or what they think is happening in a painting. Sometimes a piece will have completely different answers depending on the eye of the beholder. And that's healthy for our minds." - R. Spring, Artist, USA
"Abstract art is important because it allows space for authentic creativity." - Haylee, Mixed Media Artist, USA
"For a human being to think differently or to think in a way that no one else ever will, we need abstract art." - Zeba Salim, Visual Artist, Saudi Arabia
"Abstract art allows for an extension of the creative process beyond the artist's experience. Lovers & admirers of abstract art engage in a creative process of their own that allows for curiosity, inquiry, imagination, meaning-making...essential parts of being human." - Lizzy Mango, Artist, Italy & USA
"It is pure creation without any guidelines or rules. It is important for the artist to play and experiment but is is also important for the public to see how art can push boundaries." - Amber Henderson, Artist, USA
"In my opinion because it’s a reflection of how humans experience; rather than how we see, interpret, think, or acknowledge—which exemplars of that play out everywhere but to really recreate, to share an internal experience is really only able to be done symbolically or abstractly. The importance lies in it being a huge pillar of experience as humans - emotions, sensations; keeping that alive recreating that through time is the important work of abstract art." - Dom, Visual Artist, USA
"It’s important because it’s a true and expressive style which has no boundaries, it portrays something from within the artist which speaks to the viewer, it can be raw and real without being explicit, which is why it’s so important." - Farriha, Mixed Media Artist, UK
"It teaches us about the process of creating." - Hannah Goo Art, Artist, USA
"Speaking from my own personal experience, abstract art helped me a lot during rough times in my life when I was going through a lot, mentally. I used abstract art to get in touch with my own emotions, which helped me process what I was feeling, without those feelings overwhelming me. By sharing my art with others, I feel more connected, and my emotions are validated, since all of us have struggled with similar challenges. So, on the one hand, abstract art can be a useful tool for artists to channel themselves into the art they are creating. On the other hand, the audience observing this artwork can resonate with it, and the emotions that the artist channeled into the piece. In addition, abstract art is in itself free to interpretation and my experience of a painting is not the same as the experience of another person. Abstract art can help us identify what makes us similar, and also the ways in which we are different and unique. " - Danica, Artist, Germany
If you have thoughts on why abstract art is so popular, share them below in the comment section or in our companion post on Instagram! To join this project by sharing your responses, fill out this form.