Artists Answer: "Why is abstract art good?"

Artists Answer: "Why is abstract art good?"

In this series, we're asking artists to answer the most-Googled questions about abstract art. Last week's question was, "why is abstract art so important?" and the answers can be found here. This week, we're answering, "why is abstract art so bad?" and heads up, some of the answers are absolutely hilarious (shout out to Nicole Dickson, icon)


 - Nicole Dickson, Abstract Artist, Australia

Amber Henderson, Artist, USA

 - Danica, Artist, Germany

 - Haylee, Mixed Media Artist, USA

 - Dom, Visual Artist, USA

 - Farriha, Mixed Media Artist, UK

 - Hannah Goo Art, Artist, USA

 - R. Spring, Artist, USA

 - Zeba Salim, Visual Artist, Saudi Arabia

 - Ashley Joy, Painter, Brazil & USA

 - Ryka, Emerging Artist, USA

- Maegan, Visual Artist/Maker

 - Lizzy Mango, Artist, Italy & USA

If you've got thoughts on this question, share them below in the comment section or in our companion post on Instagram! To join this project by sharing your responses, fill out this form.

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