Artists Answer: "Why is abstract art beautiful?"

Artists Answer: "Why is abstract art beautiful?"

In this series, we're asking artists to answer the most-Googled questions about abstract art. This week, we're answering, "why is abstract art so hard?" - responses below.


"It's hard to get the right colour and composition to work for the brain to react. I don't feel that it's as simple as a couple of blobs and scrapes. I won't sell a piece that others may love if I don't connect with it...I'll paint over it." Nicole Dickson, Abstract Artist, Australia

"You have to know the rules in order to break them."  Amber Henderson, Artist, USA

"Because sometimes it’s hard to know where to start or what step to take next." - Haylee, Mixed Media Artist, USA

"Avoidance of self reflection, healing and overthinking usually causing blockage in creativity."  Dom, Visual Artist, USA

"Being honest and raw is hard, facing your demons is hard, laying yourself bare in front of others is hard…" - Farriha, Mixed Media Artist, UK

"Abstract art is a puzzle that you have to solve by using colors, repeating patterns and shapes." Hannah Goo Art, Artist, USA

"It's not as easy as it seems! You have to really dig deep to figure out your style and what you're trying to get out." R. Spring, Artist, USA

"It all depends on how you create." Zeba Salim, Visual Artist, Saudi Arabia

"Sometimes paintings do not reflect what we were trying to express. You need persistence, gotta keep painting till you can achieve what it is you wanted to share." Ashley Joy, Painter, Brazil & USA

"I thought it was really hard at first coming from a place of working in artistic expression that focuses on the technical aspects of realism. I realized that I could make abstract art more easily if I focused on the process rather than the outcome."  - Ryka, Emerging Artist, USA

"Abstract art is hard because there are practically no boundaries. There is no right or wrong way to create and that can be too overwhelming for some and can be seen as hard." - Maegan, Visual Artist/Maker


If you've got thoughts on this question, share them below in the comment section or in our companion post on Instagram! To join this project by sharing your responses, fill out this form.

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